Evans Village Academy


To promote emotional growth by: :

  1. Building self-confidence and a sense of self-growth by allowing choices within limits and building on successes.
  2. Providing a warm, loving, accepting environment for each child to work and play in.
  3. Encouraging a curiosity and a sense of wonder with an emphasis on self motivation.
  4. Assisting in the development of self-discipline in each child.
  5. Providing appropriate alternatives to angry and aggressive behavior and strengthening inner emotional controls.
  6. Opportunities to help each child identify personal feelings and the feelings of others.

To Promote Social Growth By:

  1. Promoting and instilling a sense of caring and sensitivity toward others.
  2. Developing recognition of group needs verses individual differences.
  3. Aiding in the development of problem solving skills.
  4. Encouraging individual decision making power so that each child feels a sense of control over their own lives.
  5. Teaching our children to learn and seek the rewards of giving of themselves unconditionally for the benefit of others, and reminding each other to do the same.
  6. Providing staff/child interactions which are warm, nurturing and compassionate.
  7. Opportunities for each child to interact with a diversity of children.

To Promote Intellectual Growth Through:

  1. Sparking excitement in children about the opportunity to learn.
  2. Empowering each child to take charge of their education, without limiting the methods they may use to do so.
  3. Encouraging children to seek knowledge in areas where the child is interested. Giving them the flexibility to explore their own interests.
  4. Providing an atmosphere where children discover and explore; teaching independence through learning how and where to find solutions
  5. Providing a wide variety of activities within an atmosphere where cooperative play is encouraged.
  6. Curriculum areas of art, science, cooking, movement, practical life, dramatic play, language and fine motor activities provide each child with opportunities to trust their own feelings about what is learned, heard, seen and done and begin sharing these experiences with others.

To Promote Physical/motor Development By:

  1. Teaching each child to use their body in a variety of active ways by participating in large motor activities, both indoors and outdoors.
  2. Teaching fine motor skills through the use of manipulative toys, blocks, and puzzles and other small tools and objects.
  3. Promoting physical growth and competence at each child’s developmental level.
  4. Meeting each child’s nutritional needs through well-balanced meals and snacks.
  5. A daily rest of nap.
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